The dry-fuel tablets WiTabs are necessary for the heating of the...
This Wilesco steam engine oil is necessary to lubricate pistons,...
The dry-fuel tablets are necessary for the heating of the engines. One...
The drive belts transmit the power of the steam engines to the drive...
The drive belts transmit the power of the steam engines to the drive...
The drive belts transmit the power of the steam engines to the drive...
Wilesco is the trade name of German toy company Wilhelm Schröder GmbH & Co. KG, known for manufacturing live steam toys such assteamrollers, traction engines, and stationary steam engines.
D 366, 396, 406, 496, 409, 499, 430
Based on D16 this workshop is equipped with a transmission, two wheel grinder, circular saw and drilling machine. The rounds per minute of the models and the flywheel can be controlled with the steam regulator. The chimney smokes true to original.